Fascial Therapy: Techniques for Massage Therapists
Fascial Therapy

Fascial Therapy: Techniques for Massage Therapists

Author(s): Martha Menard and Steve Jurch

4CE credits 17 Lessons Text

Fascial therapy is a complex approach - it's important to learn how to select the appropriate technique for your clients and their health goals. Review anatomy and get information on individual techniques you can add to your massage therapy skill set.

AMTA’s Fascial Therapy Continuing Education Program is designed to give massage therapists a comprehensive look at fascial therapy and how they can integrate it into their massage practice. The program includes three online CE courses that explain the fundamentals of this approach and a hands-on workshop to learn and practice new techniques.

Scope of Practice

Check with your massage therapy regulatory body to ensure you are in compliance with the defined scope of practice before considering study or practice of any new method or modality. Find your state massage therapy regulatory board.

When you finish this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the role of movement re-education for maintaining the value of fascial therapy and its effect due to the full-body nature of fascia. 
  • Formulate the appropriate fascial therapy approach for each individual client.
  • Perform fascial therapy techniques and mobilization strokes.
  • Explain how adjunct therapies using equipment and exercises ensure long-term preventive care for clients. 

The AMTA Fascial Therapy Continuing Education Program is an introductory program to help massage therapists explore the complex nature of fascial therapy. As with any specialty, continue to broaden your knowledge on the subject of fascial therapy by taking additional continuing education and staying current with research.

  1. Connective Tissue and Fascial Therapy
  2. Benefits and Expected Outcomes from Fascial Therapy
  3. Vasomotor Response and Fascial Therapy
  4. Efficacy of Fascial Therapy: Research and Case Studies
  5. Approaches to Working with Fascia
  6. Approaches from the Rolfing Community
  7. Approaches Focusing on Connective Tissue
  8. Approaches Focusing on Fascial Inhibitions
  9. Adjunct Therapies
  10. Choosing a Fascial Therapy Approach
  11. Fascial Therapy vs. Massage Therapy
  12. Fascial Therapy Techniques—Cross-hand Myofascial Release
  13. Fascial Mobilization Strokes
  14. Movement and Fascial Therapy
  15. Adjunct Tools
  16. Long-term Preventive Care
  17. Resources

Martha Brown Menard PhD, CMT is a health care research scientist, author, and educator. She is the author of Making Sense of Research, a guide to research literacy. She has served as adjunct faculty at the University of Virginia and Georgetown University. In 2008, she started a consulting firm, Sigma Applied Research, specializing in program evaluation, research design, and data analysis. 

Steve Jurch, ATC, LMT has over 20 years’ experience as a massage therapist and athletic trainer. He serves as director of health and human services at Community College of Baltimore County, in Maryland. He has a master's degree in sports medicine and authored a clinical massage textbook.